
Téléphone : 01 76 53 34 18
Adresse : UFR STAPS, 1 rue Lacretelle
3ème étage, aile droite – 75015 PARIS


Thèmes de recherche / Research Interests

Études expérimentale et modélisation des apprentissages sensori-moteurs et perceptifs. Influence de l’avance en âge sur ces apprentissages. Applications aux technologies d’assistance pour les personnes âgées et personnes en situation de handicap (rééducation, prothèses sensorielles).

Experimental studies and modeling of perceptual and sensory-motor learning. Influence of aging on learning and adaptation. Applications to assistive technologies and sensory prostheses for disabled people and elderlies (rehab, sensory prosthesis).


  • Maître de Conférences (Hors Classe) Université Paris-Descartes (depuis 1999) – Assistant professor
  • Ancien Élève de l’École Normale Supérieure (S89)
  • Docteur de l’Université Paris VI, spécialité Biomathématiques (PhD in Biomathematics). Thèse effectuée au Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l’Action (Collège de France, dir. A. Berthoz), sous la direction de Jacques Droulez. Soutenue en Janvier 1998.

Encadrements (de thèse)

  • Thomas Hoellinger (Defended 2009, PhD in Neurosciences) – Co-directed with A. Roby-Brami (ISIR)

Hoellinger T, McIntyre J, Jami L, Hanneton S, Cheron G, Roby-Brami A. A strategy of faster movements used byelderly humans to lift objects of increasing weight in ecological context. Neuroscience 357, 384-399 (2017).

Auvray M, Hoellinger T, Hanneton S and Roby-Brami A. Perceptual weight judgments when viewing one’s own andothers’ movements under minimalist conditions of visual presentation. Perception, 40:1081-1103 (2011)

Hanneton S, Dedobbeler S, Hoellinger T, Roby-Brami A. Direct kinematic modeling of the upper limb during trunkassistedreaching. J Appl Biomech. Aug;27(3):272-7 (2011).

Robertson J., Hoellinger T., Lindberg P., Bensmail D., Hanneton S. and Roby-Brami A. Effect of auditory feedbackdiffers according to side of hemiparesis: a comparative pilot study. J Neuroeng Rehabil. 2009 Dec 17;6(1):45 (2009)

  • Eric Olivier Boyer (Defended 2015, PhD in Cognitive Sciences) – Co-directed with Patrick Susini (IRCAM)

F, Boyer EO, Françoise J, Houix O, Susini P, Roby-Brami A, Hanneton S. Sensori-Motor Learning withMovement Sonification: Perspectives from Recent Interdisciplinary Studies. Front Neurosci, 10, 385 (2016).

Boyer ÉO, Bevilacqua F, Susini P, Hanneton S. Investigating three types of continuous auditory feedback in visuomanualtracking. Exp Brain Res, 235(3), 691-701 (2016).

Bevilacqua F., Boyer, E.O., Françoise J., Houix O., Susini P., Roby-Brami A., & Hanneton S. Sensori-Motor Learningwith Movement Sonification: Perspectives from Recent Interdisciplinary Studies. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 385 (2016)

Boyer E.O, Pyanbet Q., Bevilacqua F., Hanneton S., Bevilacqua, F. Guiding Motion using a Sound Target, Sound,Music, and Motion, Volume 8905 of  Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 218-233 (2014)

Boyer E.O., Babayan B.M., Bevilacqua F., Noisternig M., Warusfel O., Roby-Brami A., Hanneton S., Viaud-DelmonI. From ear to hand: the role of the auditory-motor loop in pointing to an auditory source. Front Comput Neurosci. 7: 26.(2013).

Boyer E.O.,  Bevilacqua F, Phal F, and Hanneton S. “Low-cost motion sensing of table tennis players for real timefeedback” International Journal of Tennis Table, vol. 8, 2013.

  • Rachel Labriet (PhD STAPS / Musicothérapie, to be defended in september 2019) – Co-directed with Zoï Kapoula

Title : « Autismes, musicothérapie et mécanismes laryngés ».

Labriet-Barthelemy R., Hanneton S., Kapoula Z. Improving relationship abilities of ASD children playing with voice, rhythm and gesture inMusic Therapy: a Music Therapy program for rehabilitation of early vocal interactions? Submitted to the Norvegian Journal of Musicotherapy (2019)

Labriet-Barthélémy R, Hanneton S, Kapoula Z. Couplage gestuelle-voix : vers une recherche de doctorat en musicothérapie axée sur la voix, appliquée à l’autisme. Revue française de musicothérapie 36(2), 2017.

Labriet-Barthélémy, R., Hanneton, S., & Kapoula, Z. (2018). Approches spontanées et expressions vocales d’un jeune enfant autiste non verbal en musicothérapie active incluant des couplages voix-gestuelle: étude de cas unique. Revue Française de Musicothérapie, 37(2), 2018.

  • Marie Agostinucci (PhD STAPS) – Co-directed with Bernard Andrieu (I3SP)

Agostinucci, M., Dutems-Carpentier, C., Hanneton, S., & Andrieu, B. (2019). Approche psychomotrice de l’Être sous contrainte au cours des 24 premières heures d’hospitalisation en UNV-A après un AVC ischémique. L’Évolution Psychiatrique, 84(2), 315-322.


Séba, M.-P.; Maillot, P.; Hanneton, S.; Dietrich, G. Influence of Normal Aging and Multisensory Data Fusion on Cybersickness and Postural Adaptation in Immersive Virtual Reality. Sensors 2023, 23, 9414. [IF: 3.9 ; Q1]
Rmadi, H., Maillot, P., Artico, A. Beaudoin, E, Hanneton, S., Dietrich, G., & Duron, E. (2023). Tolerance of immersive head-mounted virtual reality among older nursing homes ‘residents. Front. Public Health, Sec. Aging and Public Health,11. [IF : 5,2, Q1] doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1163484
Oboeuf, A., Hanneton, S., Fernandes, E., Buffet, J., Coquinos, S., & Lecroisey, L. (2023). Relationships between empathy and creativity in collective games: a comparison between handball and sitting ball. Frontiers in Psychology. 14:1185462. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1185462 (Q1; IF: 4,232).
Térémetz, M., Garcia, A., Hanneton, S., Roby-Brami, A., Roche, N., Bensmail, D., Lindberg, P., Robertson, J. V. (2021). Improving upper-limb and trunk kinematics by interactive gaming in individuals with chronic stroke: a single-blinded RCT. Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine, 101622-101622.
Rmadi, H., Mary, M., Duron, E., Pujol, T., Gasmi, Y., Maillot, P., Hanneton, S., Souques, C., Karoubi, E., Artico, R. (2020). Acceptabilité et tolérance de la thérapie d’exposition à la réalité virtuelle dans la prise en charge du syndrome de désadaptation psychomotrice du sujet âgé. NPG Neurologie-Psychiatrie-Gériatrie, 20(115), 38-46.
Oboeuf, A., Hanneton, S., Buffet, J., Fantoni, C., & Labiadh, L. (2020). Influence of Traditional Sporting Games on the Development of Creative Skills in Team Sports. The Case of Football. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Boyer E O, Bevilacqua F, Guigon E, Hanneton S & Roby-Brami A. (2020). Modulation of ellipses drawing by sonification. Accepted for publication in Experimental Brain Research (IF: 1.878 ; Q2)

Hanneton S, Hoellinger T, Forma V, Roby-Brami A, Auvray M (2019). Ears on the hand. Reaching three-dimensional targets with an audio-motor device. Multisensory Reseach. (IF: 1.829 ; Q1) doi:10.1163/22134808-20191436

Marie C, Maillot P, Hanneton S (2018). Émersion et apprentissage moteur : manifestations neurovégétatives lors de l’adaptation à une perturbation. Movement & Sport Sciences – Science & Motricité, EDP sciences, 1:(99):47-57. (Q3)

Labriet-Barthélémy R, Hanneton S, Kapoula Z (2017). Couplage gestuelle-voix : vers une recherche de doctorat en musicothérapie axée sur la voix, appliquée à l’autisme. Revue française de musicothérapie, 36 (2).

Boyer E, Bevilacqua F, Susini P,  Hanneton S (2017). Investigating three types of continuous auditory feedback in visuo-manual tracking. Experimental Brain Research, 235 (3), pp.235-691. (Q2)

Hoellinger T, McIntyre J, Jami L, Hanneton S, Cheron G & Roby-Brami A. (2017). A strategy of faster movements used by elderly humans to lift objects of increasing weight in ecological context. Neuroscience, 357, 384-399. (Q2)

Hanneton S (2017). Du corps biologique au corps capacitaire. Recherches et Educations, Hors série , 181-193.

Françoise J, Chapuis O, Hanneton S, & Bevilacqua F (2016). SoundGuides: Adapting Continuous Auditory Feedback to Users. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2829-2836. DOI:

Bevilacqua F, Boyer E O, Françoise J, Houix O, Susini P, Roby-Brami A & Hanneton S (2016). Sensori-Motor Learning with Movement Sonification: Perspectives from Recent Interdisciplinary Studies. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 385. . (Q1)

Hanneton S, Herquel P, and Auvray M. (2015). Intermodal recoding of a video game: learning to process signals for motion perception in a pure auditory environment. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 29(12), 1475-1483. (Q1)

Boyer E O, Pyanet Q, Hanneton S, Bevilacqua F. (2014) Learning Movement Kinematics with a Targeted Sound. In: Aramaki M., Derrien O., Kronland-Martinet R., Ystad S. (eds) Sound, Music, and Motion. CMMR 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8905. Springer, Cham. (Q2)

Boyer E.B., Babayan B.M., Bevilacqua F., Noisternig M., Warusfel O., Roby-Brami A., Hanneton S., Viaud-Delmon I (2013). From ear to hand: the role of the auditory-motor loop in pointing to an auditory source. Front Comput Neurosci. 7: 26.  . (Q2)

Auvray M, Hoellinger T, Hanneton S and Roby-Brami A (2011). Perceptual weight judgments when viewing one’s own and others’ movements under minimalist conditions of visual presentation. Perception, 40:1081-1103 . (Q1)

Hanneton S, Dedobbeler S, Hoellinger T, Roby-Brami A (2011). Direct kinematic modeling of the upper limb during trunk-assisted reaching. J Appl Biomech. Aug;27(3):272-7. (Q2)

Hanneton S, Auvray M and Durette B (2010). The Vibe: a versatile vision-to-audition sensory substitution device. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 7, 269-276 . (Q3)